City of Flushing
725 E. Main Street
Flushing, Michigan 48433
810-659-5665 / 711 (TTY)

Dear Resident,
We are writing to inform you about an upcoming multi-year project that will be taking place in your neighborhood, specifically on Bellewood.

The first stage of this project involves the removal of Honey Locust trees planted in the right of way. Many of these trees were initially planted over 60 years ago, and unfortunately, they have started causing damage to sidewalks, driveways, and curbs. In order to address these issues and ensure the safety and aesthetics of your neighborhood, it has become necessary to undertake this removal process.

The second stage of the project will see the replanting of Maple trees in the locations where the Honey locust trees were removed. We believe that this will not only enhance the visual appeal of the area but also contribute positively to the environment. However, we understand that individual preferences may vary. If you would prefer not to have a tree replanted in front of your property, please contact us at 810-659-5665, and we will make the necessary arrangements accordingly.

Moving to the third stage, the project includes the repair and replacement of concrete in affected areas. This is aimed at improving water flow in curb lines and ensuring the creation of safer sidewalks for the community.

The final stage of the project involves milling and repaving the street, which will contribute to the overall improvement of the neighborhood infrastructure.

To efficiently carry out the initial stage of the project, we have hired JB’s Tree Service. They will commence their operations in February 2024, starting with the removal and stump grinding of the identified trees. This stage is expected to be completed by spring. In April or May, the City will follow up to clean up any remaining grindings, apply dirt, and seed the areas where trees
were removed.

We understand that such projects may cause inconveniences, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period of improvement. If you have any concerns or specific preferences regarding the replanting of trees, please do not hesitate to contact us at the provided phone number.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to enhance the beauty and functionality of our community.


Jeffrey Clark
Director of Public Works

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